Ask An Artist, Round 2
Submit by November 30

Burning the US Constitution, 3 pigment prints, each print 26 x 20 in., 2011.

Burning the US Constitution, 3 pigment prints, each print 26 x 20 in., 2011. Courtesy Dread Scott.

It’s time for another round of Ask an Artist! Submit to our advice column by emailing by November 30.

Our second columnist will be 2015 ABOG Fellow Dread Scott. Dread Scott makes revolutionary art to propel history forward, working in a range of media including performance, photography, screen-printing, video, installation and painting.

As part of Issue 2 of ABOG Magazine, which will be released Spring 2019, we’re asking for questions about the “WHO” of art and social engagement. Who are the various groups that need to come together to create social change through art? Are they artists, ecologists, city agencies, funders, community organizers, strategists, analysts? Who is socially engaged art for and of? If you’ve ever encountered a surprising insight, challenge, or situation having to do with a “who” in your own art practice, through observation of a project, or elsewhere, ask Dread!

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ABOG MagazineDread Scott
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