#YoTambienExijo: A Restaging of “Tatlin’s Whisper #6” in Times Square

MONDAY, APRIL 13, 12-2 PM: Please join us, Creative Time, Queens Museum, MoMA, the Guggenheim Museum, and many others in Times Square for a re-staging of Tania Bruguera’s participatory art work, “Tatlin’s Whisper #6.”


By re-staging Tania Bruguera’s participatory art work we stand in solidarity with her, Angel Santiesteban and Danilo Maldonado “El Sexto” and all other artists around the world who face criminal charges and violence for exercising their basic human right to free expression. As article 19 of the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights states: “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

Governments must embrace the rights of their citizens and non-citizens alike to share their voices, ideas, values, beliefs and dreams without fear of persecution or violence. As citizens of the world with a shared humanity, we urge the government of Cuba to drop all charges against Tania Bruguera, Angel Santiesteban and Danilo Maldonado “El Sexto” who are either imprisoned or facing imprisonment for what doing what every person of the planet should be able to do: expressing themselves.

UPDATE: Cities around the country will be taking part with events hosted by The Hammer Museum (LA), Conflict Kitchen (Pittsburgh), Nasher Sculpture Center (Dallas), Dallas Museum of Art, The Art Institute of Chicago, Kadist Art Foundation (San Francisco) and many more.

PITTSBURGH: http://bit.ly/1FIejgO

DALLAS: http://bit.ly/1HbF6nJ

LOS ANGELES: http://bit.ly/YoTambienExijo

SAN FRANCISCO: http://on.fb.me/1awlKwF


Tatlin’s Whisper #6 (Havana version), 2009:

El Susurro de Tatlin #6 (versión para La Habana) from Estudio Bruguera on Vimeo.

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PowerPublicTania Bruguera
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